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1.题目及报告人:Maximizing Food Production Through Disease Control

Dr. Jeremy James BURDON

2.题目及报告人:Plant and Pathogen Coevolution as a Guide for Sustainable Plant Disease Control 詹家绥 教授


窦道龙 教授




Dr. Jeremy James BURDONis currently a Research Fellow at CSIRO. He is an evolutionary biologist with particular interests in plant-microbe interactions. He received his PhD degree from Australian National University. Throughout his career, his active research interests encompass problems involving pathogens of agricultural crops, using fungi as biological control agents for controlling invasive weeds and understanding the complexities of the interplay of parasitic and symbiotic interactions in natural systems.

Awards & Honours:

1987 Gottschalk Medal, Australian Academy of Science

1996 Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

Doctor of Philosophy, honoris causa. Ume? University, Sweden

2003 E.C. Stakman Award, Univ of Minnesota, USA, for achievements in plant pathology

Elected Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society

Elected Honorary Member of the Mycological Society of America

Centenary Medal for service to Australian society and science in ecology & conservation

2004 Elected Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

2009 Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering

2010 CSIRO Medal for Business Excellence

CSIRO Fellow

2013 Medal of Honor, Palacky University, Czech Republic


>10,000 citations; h-factor = 55;

210+ research papers, reviews and book chapters

3 edited volumes

2 books: JJ Burdon: Diseases and Plant Population Biology, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987.

OH Frankel, AHD Brown & JJ Burdon: The Conservation of Plant Biodiversity, Cambridge University Press, 1995.


窦道龙,博士生导师。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国家“万人计划” 科技创新领军人才。1996年在西北林365体育投注森林保护专业获学士学位,1999年在西北农林科技大学获植物学硕士学位,2002年在中国科365体育投注植物研究所获植物学博士学位,2003-2008年在美国弗吉尼亚理工大学从事博士后研究工作。2008年作为高层次人才被引进到南京农业大学工作至今。主要从事疫霉菌与植物互作与调控研究,近年来在疫霉菌效应子的鉴定、功能与作用机制解析以及抗病育种利用等方面取得了突出成绩。发现疫霉菌能经非典型分泌途径产生一类新型效应子,将其命名为非典型效应子,为动植物病原菌致病物质的一种新类型;解析了多个效应子的功能与作用机制,首次阐明真核病原菌中有寄主DNA活性效应子;系统研究了疫霉菌效应子向寄主细胞内的转运过程,提出并完善了一种病原菌效应子转运的新理论模型,并以此为基础发展了基于病原菌效应子转运与功能的作物抗病分子育种新技术。研究结果深化了对作物疫病菌致病成灾机理的认识水平,为相关病害的控制奠定了理论和材料基础。主持国家自然科学基金和国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项等竞争性课题10余项。公开发表发表学术论文70余篇,论文被引用3000余次。曾获得教育部自然科学一等奖、大北农科技奖、科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”、教育部“新世纪优秀人才”、江苏省“特聘教授”、江苏省“杰出青年科学基金”和中国科学时报社“青年科学之星”等奖励和资助。

作者:植保365体育投注 王黎明 编辑:宣传部